
Support the 2722 Bancroft Foundation

The 2722 Bancroft Foundation was created in 2019 by alumni as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3). Your Foundation is working on the most appropriate solutions to provide every opportunity to our chapter members to adapt, grow, and prosper while they are at Cal. For some, that is much more difficult than for others. We aim to make the opportunities open and available to all of our members and with your help, we believe we can achieve that objective.

Please help the Foundation acheive the following goals, which were established by a team of alumni volunteers and undergraduate officers:

Award tuition assistance scholarship to deserving members who demonstrate financial need and excel in academics, leadership, and service.
Goal: $10,000
Create a comprehensive career program, providing tools, resources, job board, and mentorship for our undergraduate members to launch promising careers, and alumni to continue to network.
Appx. Cost: $5,000
Establish a health and wellness program for the chapter, featuring available resources and professional support.
Appx. Cost: $5,000
Send undergraduate members to leadership conferences.
Appx. Cost: $5,000 


Click one of the following to donate to the 2722 Bancroft Foundation, our new 501(c)(3) tax-exempt foundation, EIN# 83-4161504

Support the 2722 Bancroft Educational Institute, Inc.

The 2722 Bancroft Educational Institute, Inc's (formerly Cal Beta SAE Educational Institute, Inc.) mission is to provide a living-learning environment that is a home away from home for our undergraduate tenants. Gifts to the Educational Institute are not tax-deductible. Contributions to the Institute support:

Facility maintenance
Alumni and parent relations program
Member database
Website, social media, communications
Special events


 Click one of the following to donate to the 2722 Bancroft Educational Institute, EIN# 94-3169393

 See how you can double your donation to the Educational Foundation

Mail a Donation

If you choose to donate by writing a check, please mail to the appropriate address below:

2722 Bancroft Educational Institute
c/o Jeff Koblick
PO Box 776
Ross, CA 94957

2722 Bancroft Foundation
c/o Rocky Gunderson
22074 Baxley Ct 
Cupertino, CA  95014


Leave a Legacy

Learn the ways you can support the chapter through deferred (or planned) gifts by visiting our Leave A Legacy page.