This plaque was installed January 1, 2004 as a permanent expression of gratitude to the following True Gentlemen alumni of Cal Beta who generously contributed to the renovation of our historic chapter house in 2003. This chapter house was built in 1926 with financial help and inspiration from legendary California football Coach Andy Smith.
1. Allsman, Ronald ’58
2. Alshuler, Rob ’91
3. Andrews, John’ 52
4. Barnes, David ’94
5. Balinger, Adam ’04
6. Bartlett, Daniel ’94
7. Bartlett, Will ’98
8. Bartlett, Ted ’92
9. Baruh, Russ ’70
10. Beck, Gil ’51
11. Berger, Neal ’65
12. Biestman, Mark ’79
13. Bridwell, Bobby ’65
14. Bruner, Jon ’00
15. Burns, Doug ’94
16. Bogart, John ’62
17. Bowers, Lynn ’60
18. Brien, Doug ’94
19. Butler, Joel ’63
20. Cavros, Jeff ’88
21. Chesmore, John ’92
22. Chiang, Patrick ’98
23. Chiate, Craig ’92
24. Chiate, Greg ’92
25. Clammer, Adam ’92
26. Clark, David ’45
27. Clark, Matt ’94
28. Classen, Willard ’51
29. Coombe, Brian ’02
30. Criqui, Michael ’66
31. Cuneo, David ’78
32. Currie, Matt ’98
33. Dana, Ernest ’50
34. Dedo, Herb ’55
35. DeJanvry, Lo ’93
36. DeKlotz, Fred ’53
37. Dietrich, Tim ’83
38. Dinkelspiel, Richard ’34
39. Dirkes, Stephen ’98
40. Dolby, John ’82
41. Dresser, Lee ’80
42. Dresser, Duane ’50
43. Duncan, Roderic ’54
44. Durland, William ’51
45. Edwards, Paul ’81
46. Evans, John ’48
47. Everson, Donald ’52
48. Felton, Paul ’94
49. Fisher, Josh ’91
50. Fobes, John ’88
51. Foreaker, Ray ’48
52. Fox, Dennis ’97
53. Friedenbach, Mike ’54
54. Giacomazzi, James ’64
55. Gillanders, Robert ’78
56. Golinveux, Jay ’96
57. Goodenough, David ’81
58. Grable, Michael ’86
59. Grenning, Barton ’90
60. Gridley, Mike ’95
61. Guth, Greg ’96
62. Gutterman, Michael ’99
63. Hachman, Tim ’95
64. Hafleigh, David ’64
65. Halkett, Kent ’78
66. Hall, Steven ’66
67. Hancock, Rodney ’02
68. Harbour, J P ’98
69. Harrison, William ’63
70. Hastings, Steve ’91
71. Haviland, Perry ’64
72. Hayward, Homer ’43
73. Hook, John ’44
74. Houtkooper, Kurt ’95
75. Huhn, Jack ’56
76. Hummelt, Fritz ’94
77. Hyde, Crosby ’84
78. Jones, Richard ’49
79. Jorgensen, Clark ’93
80. Kaine, Christopher ’78
81. Kartoon, Daron ’88
82. Kidder, James ’57
83. Kniesche, Ted ’02
84. Knox, Philip ’43
85. Koblick, Jeff ’76
86. Lareau, Dick ’54
87. Lavia, Tom ’97
88. Leathers, John ’55
89. Leslie, Robert ’55
90. Lippstreu, Ed ’53
91. LoCoco, Russ ’03
92. Logan, Bob ’51
93. Lord, Thomas ’83
94. Loveall, Richard ’60
95. Lui, Keith ’96
96. MacLaughlin, William ’53
97. Mains, Andrew ’93
98. Manolis, Paul ’52
99. Marshall, Pete ’81
100. Matiasevich, Robert ’65
101. Mayer, Robert ’76
102. McAlister, Michael ’87
103. McCoy, Michael ’88
104. McIntosh, John ’76
105. Mein, Kevin ’91
106. Milliken, William ’34
107. Moor, James ’52
108. Morgan, Dave ’93
109. Mott, Steven ’82
110. Mottler, Chris ’00
111. Newell, Michael ’87
112. Nittler, Mark ’78
113. Patton, David ’83
114. Pauley, Clark ’90
115. Pawlik, Chris ’05
116. Perussina, Robert ’77
117. Phippen, Mike ’97
118. Perry, Warren ’53
119. Pierce, Richard ’75
120. Protopappas, John ’80
121. Ramirez, Joe ’99
122. Rei, William ’87
123. Rhoades, Chris ’87
124. Richards, Lock ’82
125. Rider, Dean ’74
126. Rodgers, Bill ’64
127. Rogers, Brian ’95
128. Rogers, Andy ’90
129. Saar, Thomas ’83
130. Schneider, Jeffrey ’81
131. Shrank, Nick ’00
132. Shukla, David ’03
133. Spelman, Leland ’78
134. Spurzem, Karl ’81
135. Steiner, Peter ’63
136. Stolowitz, Greg ’02
137. Stone, Todd ’79
138. Tavare, Richard ’04
139. Thomas, David ’82
140. Thornburg, Verne ’54
141. Turner, Warren ’50
142. Valli, Rob ’82
143. Watson, Chris ’82
144. Watson, Craig ’77
145. Wegner, Doug ’66
146. Weiner, Brent ’90
147. Westfall, Andrew ’70
148. Williams, John ’75
149. Williams, Seth ’95
150. Winn, William ’90
151. Wittenmeier, Gary ’70
152. Zeff, Michael ’87
153. Zim, Jacob ’94
154. Zwierzycki, Jacob ’04